
Beats by Dre BMW r three men is th

It is a cry of surprise rang ,Ma Dejie mouth is vomited blood splash in the air ,forming a long line ,and Ma Dejie the whole body is like shells generally straight * * out again ,and is severely impact on the mountain hard rock ,again surprised splashing countless stone .
relationresultThe 751st chapter ,blow , relationresultTerrible,Thunder Tiger was too terrible ,it even has a black full level upper God strength horse company ,also is completely not Thunder Tiger rivals ,with the God ,but the power is so far off ,beats by dre cheap.
Of course ,the Thunder Tiger teleport ability is also accounted for some great advantages, easy to make the opponent off guard - then ,becoming flustered at Ma Dejie has been slowly up the body ,although also was angry, but more still to panic - just ,Thunder Tiger counterattack ,Ma De Jie is aware of in Thunder Tiger almost desperate circumstances ,can even strange dodge them, is also the grazing on their back, made of violent strikes back - cool ,very cool, the company began to truly realize ,at present this seemingly ordinary youth ,the strength is so terrible, his he is no revolt - however ,due to the thunder tiger and Ma Dejie hopper created the movement is not small, it has powerful force fluctuations to the over - for a short while, the air will have three shadows falling from the sky - it was in three men ,generally are very old ,and looks it is so cold, are wearing clean your clothes ,who held a sharp sword - at this time, the three men had noticed the Thunder Tiger the four of them ,and at the suffered injuries while becoming flustered horse company ,then fox suspect Staring eyes by Thunder Tiger ,not all showed surprise - one red hair man had to Ma Dejie Jing asks : Jay brother ,what happened ?Who are they ? - they are to challenge me ! Ma Dejie coldly replied - hum ,should be looking for trouble ! A light red long hair on men suddenly cold grunted coldly ,that have been scanned the thunder tiger who ,alarmed - because ,that the three men were all too aware of Ma Dejie ,and now even Ma Dejie could be hurt ,visible Thunder Tiger this pedestrian capacity is very simple - then ,another looks relatively strong rude man clenched his sword ,cold as Thunder Tiger bitter said : now don they ! - say just finish ,the three men will be ablaze with anger on you want it - at this time, Ma Dejie was immediately cold drink scolded: you gave me to back off ! The three men started immediately ,Beats by Dre BMW,to receive the impulse of the heart, it seems they will fear the majesty of Ma Dejie - the strong man is not settle at Thunder Tiger they ,anxious : but - but ! Ma Dejie suddenly slapped the strong man ,and his eyes tight as a Thunder Tiger murmured and said: was he has accepted the challenge, it must follow the rules ,if you now, so ,it just makes me ma djer is afraid of him ?Therefore ,this battle ,who also can not to interrupt ,but I, also will be he ! - well, well ,it made me feel like you ! Thunder tiger suddenly on the Caldecott subtle smile - Thunder Tiger appreciation seems to be good ,but for Ma Dejie it was a great insult ,also let Ma Dejie be more anger ,three other men is angry .
relationresultAnd thestrong man will be anxious ,cold as the Thunder Tiger said : this guy is too aggressive ,really want to teach him a lesson ,for I hate in my heart ! ,Beats by Dre Electroplating, relationresultDon ,I beat him up ,they have let you lessons ! Ma Dejie light said .
relationresultWell, I was looking forward to . Thunder Tiger no like smile ,or not to be put in the eye of Ma Dejie .relationresultIn all thestartled horse company should receive Leng ,went to the hands of the sword .
Thunder Tiger they do appear confused, but the other three men is thorough to surprise live, staring at the company ,and then slowly back and retreat .relationresultThen,face grim Ma Dejie who suddenly emit a huge breath ,that is completely beyond the upper god awful smell ,is accompanied by a heavy pressure ,an inexplicable potential wind blowing on the following .
relationresultSurprisingly,this time in Ma Dejie but has a silver snake sword .The sword is sharp, in the sun under the shining ,shining feels cold cold ,even from a very cold in the cold ,the temperature of the surrounding air is reduced in vain .
relationresultThunder Tigerfrom the brows, the horse djer is indeed a hand ,the hands of the sword was not an ordinary sword ,that is the article main artifact ,the amazing power ,but also water property ,that is to say Ma Dejie force also will with added a powerful water properties force .
relationresultHave to say,is indeed worthy of a powerful maner family a family ,did not think of the horse company can have a powerful main artifact .relationresultThen,clutching the main artifact level sword Ma Dejie was offered a look at Thunder Tiger ,heavy cold said: ,you really are very strong, can make me out of silver swords cold .
, relationresultSilver swords cold . Thunder Tiger few moments ,originally the main artifact sword named silver swords cold .relationresultMa Dejie not becold grunted ,see Thunder Tiger doesn any fear ,then said: well, this time it is not easy ,but you also have a chance ,because you have made me annoyed .
, relationresultWell, whatever . Thunder Tiger is called a nod .relationresultMa Dejie bate,in vivo force crazy luck ,in the hands of silver into the cold sword, suddenly began a horrible energy rolling pressure ,as it is a very dark chill to push around ,temperature extreme reduction ,surrounding rock surface is the instant knot on the a layer of thick ice .
Potential wind ,like it is hid many sword ,with furious energy and extreme cold ,arranged in a crisscross pattern ,mad rage periphery .relationresultThe threemen from the Ma Dejie close, was the terrible smell to energy was too cold sweat DC, immediately fear like back constantly receded ,but they are all full of proud smile ,think Thunder Tiger they are going to be in big trouble .
relationresultIndeed,the Thunder Tiger is really feel slightly surprised color ,iron bear they also feel fear ,but also in the back, because this level of combat ,have not they join ,but iron bear and Heelas for the Thunder Tiger is still very confident . Related articles:

