
Beats Detox rsons of territory

 "Finish saying?"The hearts of a kind of insect Ya are all ground, but she is still strong to support, make own feelings not include what variety.Mo Yan Chou doesn't dare eyes of seeing a kind of insect Ya, because he is afraid that he temporarily cannot helps but speaking, but also he doesn't dare to see, so have never seen the glow-in-the-dark of a kind of insect Ya eye bottom have been more and more prosperous.
Nao Nao head, Mo Yan Chou at last and bitter and astringently says:"Finish saying!"But finish saying, Mo Yan Chou suddenly felt that oneself is very sad.
"I hate you!"A kind of insect Ya looking at Mo Yan Chou whom the side wears heads and bit maxillary joint to speak a words.Then turn round to return to walk, but tears then at turn round of that the downfall that aware of self not for an instant.
That tears that together and in the sun gleam silver light at the right moment lets eyes that Mo Yan Chou once turned receive eye bottom.
Melancholy of having no, Mo Yan Chou a held tight to just come out of the shoulder of a kind of insect Ya, then embraced into a kind of insect Ya of flounder tightly own bosom, but a kind of insect Ya then from flounder became to be devoted to weep aloud.Flank of rare airtight finally discovered his/her own task to complete, then secretly walked, left this one little world to two persons who again lead long to begin each other."They why say that you like Kai especially?"Mo Yan Chou pulls the hand of a kind of insect Ya, two people sit on the lawn and looking at the private plot of oneself's house to say.
"Because, I really like him.The Kai compares especially you have the man the flavor more, also more of mature and morally upright, not elephant you so mean cunning!"A kind of insect Ya Jue wears a small mouth and can be pulled by Mo Yan Chou own hand, say over there.
"That you why not heel Kai especially?End still heel I!"Mo Yan Chou intentionally says.
"You, you dare to also say, if not that you are that day many people so say, who want you?"A kind of insect Ya takes out to return to his/her own hand, then stares Mo Yan Chou to say."I am getting wronger, don't I say to still don't go?"Mo Yan Chou hurriedly apologizes.
"Not bad."A kind of insect Ya this just face up peeped out smiling face.
Then two people started speaking of a whisper and often had laughter to spread.

Volume 2:Chapter 180 of the second step development Ultrasaurus comes back
Renew time:2009-10-1011:24:56 chapter word numbers:3145

Again pass by after three days, Mo Yan Chou sent to move a person who plant the hot pepper and wild pepper tree back.Hot pepper and wild pepper tree that they very carefully will move to plant back took Mo Yan Chou of front of.
Mo Yan Chou full face lookinging at of joy these oneselfs carefully care of plant, carefully check their growth circumstances.
"Is very good, you the affair this time do quite goodly, a short while affair finished, and you sought old section Er one person to receive a pail of wine to praise a short while."Mo Yan Chou handles affairs to oneself this time of living of under charge felling of the stem very of satisfaction.
"Like, plant these seedlings all in a place in sun, separately plant, every day give me the care like, there is insect son what of, Be getting more pure for me every day."Mo Yan Chou gives repeated advice to towards being responsible for people who carry on planting in person after finishing checking these hot pepper seedlings.
"Give me the Latte Qiao to come over, I want to plant these wild pepper trees in person."Mo Yan Chou takes these people, iron Qiao took four wild pepper Chen seedlings to the quality drier place of one, then picked up people to early and early bring over here, made selection a place in person, started digging a pit to plant, after finishing planting a seedling in person, all persons who round a view applause in succession, then several other number persons of territory, also all picked up iron Qiao in succession, start digging a pit, grow a few other trees under go.
At, this of after planting movable be over, Mo Yan Chou again sank in to anxiously wait for in, the end didn't really cannot help but and not talk sorrow to send a group of personses look into an old animal tamer affair exactly carry on of how.
This period, the tile space Lao several times comes to excuse to leave, because time coming out really wasn't short, and took so many advantages, needed to return to do some works early and early.
"You again etc., I show you Ultrasaurus so much!Ha ha,Beats Detox, the Ultrasaurus can live to see, and still so big, is also very not easy."Mo Yan Chou says to the tile space Lao, and tile space the Lao also really want to see oneself, this new cooperation colleague to is to isn't a person who has quality goods at reasonable prices, still an only have some float a wealth of falsely the generation of the Kua, so also waited down, but Dallas then basically don't want to walk now, because he has already indulged in that gentleness now but again the belly of beautiful dog rat person's beauty on.
Finally at Mo Yan Chou, wait of soon anxious and fretful discomfort of time, in the sky spread a clear lion Jiu to blare interjection later on, Mo Yan Chou is from the house in hurtled to go out, at the right moment see the back of Jiu that the Man is virtuous to pull urgently and in a hurry from the lion up jumped down, the full face hurtling of joy comes over."Adult, quickly preparation for a while, Be about to carry back right away."The Man is virtuous to pull to also see Mo Yan Chou, loudly shout to Mo Yan Chou.
"Okay, you this is stem what go to?", Mo Yan Chou sees Man virtuous to pull and runs toward the lion Jiu afresh.
"I still need to return to a help and only depend on their strength not enough, we now fore the noodles takes a rest and wait I to return to and then start to returned to carry, not much long-term come back."Man after being virtuous to pull to finish saying to Mo Yan Chou, fly since the lion Jiu facing distance.
"All hustle along to prepare for me, clean up road, the obstacle of both sides, the buildings all move to open, not is starting construction first."Mo Yan Chou immediately and loudly orderanies, immediately the order keeps on being quickly carried out.But Mo Yan Chou then returned to put on new clothes, then receive a tile space Lao, Dallas and William, who just returned to take a rest, arrived a street corner together the accolade will soon carry back of Ultrasaurus, but the slave of road both sides have already busily started tidying up and sweep the road clean and spread water for street and prevent°from because of construction but smoke and dust rise everywhere.
This Mo speech sorrow of so so solemn and impressively welcome an Ultrasaurus, is also in consideration of the wanting order for own territory to publicizee, is no longer time that fear other people's plagiarize now, but need now time of showing own real strenght, only let other people know own real strenght, just can make those persons who have been wanting to deal with oneself re- estimate own strength for a while, but oneself at and outsider of in the association, then oneself can occupy more active position.
A group of persons stand the hill path arrives just the street corner in under construction city and raise head with hope of expect will arrive of Ultrasaurus."Adult, the Ultrasaurus this time how big?"The tile space Lao finally starts elephant Mo Yan Chou finding out after hoping that the along while didn't also see an Ultrasaurus."Ha ha, is a huge a head of fire to fasten a red dragon.I stand at its front of, the good elephant is a station in a hill front of is similar, only look up at its right."The mood of Mo Yan Chou now is very good, because he feels that he really is to have a face too much, especially is also really all some good newses for several days recently.
"Ha ha, that can really need to congratulate adult, if the adult can succeed again of subdue this Ultrasaurus, so the adult is an empire the first getting of knight who is private to own an Ultrasaurus lord."The tile space Lao is also very happy, because oneself sees to have no heel wrong person, this person is still very capable, Ultrasaurus, isn't the false dragon of the empire regiment inside of knight dragon, or is the line dragons in army corps dragon in a ground of line, those are the great kings in the sky, he is an evil monster world inside of top exist.
All people all expect more to see a legendary Ultrasaurus, they probably all once saw an Ultrasaurus, but all of that are the empires to only have sitting of a few Ultrasaurus knightses to ride.But capture alive an Ultrasaurus, and carry back, these a people is still a first sight.
Appeared two black marks in the sky, forgot original sub- the people of Huangs to all start a hallooing of excitement, because that is to forget Huang original pride, that is the lion Jiu knight.
Tile space the Lao and Dallas all can not help secretly seeing Mo Yan Chou's one eye, the real strenght of this boy exactly have much deep?Mo Yan Chou's past keeps secret measure, so in Dallas and Related articles:

