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Inside the current storage can not insist for a year

So is German have been very nervous now, Wang Shi Zhen's chief of staff has been already known currently of from everyplace take out to adjust German troops of being sent to Paris has already exceeded 3,000,000, and it is said that finally will attain at least 5,google,000,000, equal to be close to 80% of the troops Germany all take out to adjust past another Germany still requests the empire of Ao Xiong to enlarge take the offensive to lead long to Italy of, Ao Si the Man and Bulgaria deal with Greece and Serbia, let we also enlargement match to Ao Si the Man lead long to make agreement troops further to the aggression of North Africa."Chen Ping continues to say:"Is previous we predict that the English method also wanted to would take the offensive Paris till April at the earliest stage, because ex- two big battles their consume a lot too big, but from saw currently, the English method has already worked well the resignation of Pete Wilson to can not get the worst plan that the United States helps behind and prepares to be strong to march forward to offend Paris, even is want to lend this opportunity to with one action force Germany to withdraw war."

"Force Germany to withdraw?Probably?"


Chen Ping not at, have right to speak most on the military of left Zhao Long and Long Guo Zhang for, so Zhao Long's of course not lets of get up for everyone explaining:"After more than two years of depletion, and two previous wars, Germany can use the total amount of troopses have already descended to shortage 7,000,000, before plusing segment time want to resume domestic production and also take out to return to a lot of workers,Facebook, so again mobilize of may have been not big.The empire of Ao Xiong the local antinomy is very heavy, and still have Italy, Serbia and Greece to lead long to make to provide a help now, the Ao Si Man empire needs to strengthen North Africa and deals with Greece, equally unbearable pressure in Bulgaria.

Is exactly to see this, so the radicle Qin Na just presumes to throw in large force to decisive battle in advance, he doesn't need whole Jian German troops, as long as consuming a half, even 1/3 of the German Army, Germany has to withdraw Paris and even sends back Belgium all the way.If the English method can bite at, force Germany to withdraw also not is have no probably"

Ping Qi also the air Be dignified to continue to say:"Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs formally received the official letter of Germany yesterday, they hoped that we could reconsider sending the possibility that the soldier gets into Germany."

"Send a soldier into Europe?"

"Yes."Ping Qi's point nods:"And we still receive a news, that be station in India of British and American method Three Kingdoms the troops have already appeared bigger changes, among them, the parts of troops set out into sea yesterday virtuous pulled to expect to go to Afghanistan into Central Asia, I had already let six positive Xiangs now the matter formally communicated to row rather and Su Wei Ai."

"Does Russia want afresh three wars?"Tang Xiao stares big eyes cross-examine a way.

"Russia three wars are impossible afresh, their civil war has already broken out completely currently, and the Su Wei Ai don't is placed in advantage now, and these troops just want to make duplicate moxa Lun to compare previous action and make a detour to withdraw Europe from Russia after getting into Central Asia from Afghanistan."Ping Qi hurriedly explanation way.

"**, Has gone too far in insult early knew to let at that time them a gun polished off row to rather calculate" a heard England and want to play the old flower recruited, Long Guo Zhang hated of the way of Rang Rang.

"The agreement stations in several 100,000 troopses in also having of India and give it a bit of thought son horizontal wear several thousand kilometer recalls to go to have no so simple, so this factor isn't very big to the Germany threat, however we want to consider more big fleet in India more, although this in the last years axe shell Er last-ditch the old nest doesn't come out, now arrived life and death alive or dead time, unavoidably he can't put together to die a to fight."Long Guo Zhang bit a tooth to say right after Zhao Long finished saying:"This can trust, Lao Tze waits he to came out for a long time, if not that front segment time have to for land the United States to let way, Lao Tze early he did 1 pot carry and want to escape to return to?The doors all have no"

Tang Shao Yi after stretching hand to make everyone pipe down, slowly way:"Now Sun Jiu Gong just at and American solider special envoy talks, become don't become also don't know, but have to can affirm at 1:00, regardless is to beat them, or surrender on one's own initiative, Pete Wilson's coming off stage has already canned not avoid, the English method takes the offensive in advance Paris basic have already become settled situation, so the emperor generated electricity for me yesterday, we want to be possibly in this period of time of support Germany."

"Supporting supplies is all right, however parties soldier......."

"I don't approve to send a soldier, American this place although we obtained some advantages currently,we discuss victory it's yet early, consume don't know as well much and greatly, if hastily get involved Europe, and then will be a bottomless pit, and our weapons and material guarantee different from Germany, the ammunition carried to is also in the past**vexed."

"What Tang Xiao said is quite good, send a soldier not to go, but I feel if don't send a soldier Germany lose this battle all the rate is very big, so everyone sees to loosen some exits restriction?"

If"is old strict, you this what mean,cnn, can't be think my war row the warship sell to Germany" Long Guo Zhang hear strict to reply and immediately stuck out ear, does he still intend to sweep Atlantic and how could sends to Germany in this time.

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