
beats by dre cheap also use my strengt

From the test I score a 50-50 which means I fall in the category of manager/supervisor. in this case I find I can play the role of manager and at the same time the role of a supervisor. This means that I can play both roles as a leader and as a manager. I select the role of improving the performance of the employees as the major supervisory responsibility. In playing this role I would use my strength as a leader to integrate the different factors that would enhance improved performance of the employees. To enhance this role as a supervisor and as a leader, I would ensure that I communicate to the employees what is expected of them and how they are supposed to carry out their duties to achieve what is expected of them.

Naturally I have the drive to accomplish anything that I start,beats by dre cheap. I have some inner drive or mission that would assist me to accomplish something that has never been accomplished before. I always like to maintain a sense of direction in whatever I do. This principle would assist me to instill this drive to the employees in order to improve their performance. I would also use my strength in being courageous, energetic, and optimistic to lead others to achieve their goals. Being courageous would assist me to face the employee and lead them to face any challenge that the organization may be facing. I would use my strength in being optimistic to assist employees to see things in a positive way and stay focused.

Optimism is the most important drive that is likely to encourage employees even when thins seems impossible. As a leader and a supervisor, I have found that am the one who people turn to when they need help. I would use this strength to provide the information that employee need to implement their duties. In carrying out my duties I find that I can accomplish my goals by eliminating all obstacles on the way. This would also assist me to wane away the obstacles on their way. I have magnetisms to follow others and therefore I can use this power to influence employees to achieve what is expected of them. In playing a leadership role I also find that I have the ability to inspire others to follow what they are supposed to achieve.

Therefore I can inspire others to achieve their goals as well as the goals of the organization. In this regard I also find that I have the power to influence the outcome of events. This would assist me to set up events that would propel the organization to greater height. In making decision, I like consulting with others including the wider managerial, employee fraternity and other major stakeholders. I would use this strength to ensure that I come up with a consultative process that would assist the organization to make the most appropriate decision. I also like eliminate all the red tape pressure that is likely to weigh down on improved performance. This would assist to improve the performance of the organization. Motivating employees is an important factor that is likely to raise their performance. I believe that those who strive to improve their performance should be awarded accordingly. I like praising other s for their god performance and crediting them with their success. I would use these values to motivate the employees to improve their performance. This value is more important to ensure that employee feel valued and encouraged to produce more which will in turn raise the performance of the organization.

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