
Beats by Dr Dre Pro that leaving in the

The words that break easy, until easy Liu Shuo finishes threaten today Qin Tian and leaf Xiao fly of affair after, Xiao Xiao Qiang just take out a corner of mouth to say:"Shi, what!Easy is also too exaggerated!So the in a short time incredibly did so many absurd matters and incredibly tried all an ability not."
"This has what, who make them even run your brother-in-law's affairs to seek me, and before this, you don't have already seen open fire from die of matter?"
"Hum, who know that you have so crazily!And my brother-in-law clearly be be brought trouble by you of, just isn't my brother-in-law to bring trouble you!"Used fist Dao for a while easy lower abdomen, Xiao Xiao Qiang dissatisfied way.
Easy but one face aren't concerned:"No matter who bring trouble who, anyway they seek me with this reason.Mayor Su should is free now!"
"This kind of affair was originally unexpected calamity, he which may occupy.However, if isn't that you are here to say clearly, we still really don't know problem exactly where is .But relevant international mineral field of affair, you exactly intends how to handle."
"What handle?This affair do you also concern?Do I still think that you will concern various affair that the generation talks!"
Although the Xiao Xiao Qiang is a spoilt daughter of a rich family of red household, but is also Gao that a studies in the college of music to just living, and still took part in the performance that the showbiz play gathers.Although not clear she the pass nonchalance merchandise generation matter for talking, Xiao Xiao Qiang if thinking that leaving in the show business turn is an is layer after layer,easy think that this should be even more reasonable than making her concern the affair of international mineral field.
Probably because once drive easy""of cause, the Xiao Xiao Qiang never used at easy in front polite, bite easy shoulder to say:"Bean-head, who will concern the affair of those speeches!But don't you know?Does the our Xiao house also have much of right to speak in the local mineral industry!If you really want to start to the international mineral field, can get to tell me all newses."
"What?Does the your Xiao house also relate to mineral field?But how do I have never listenned to your elder sister to once say."
"My elder sister?You what mean, you and have my elder sister ever gone to bed?"Suddenly hear easy bring up oneself's elder sister, the Xiao Xiao Qiang immediately intimidates to have a pair of eyes.
Although is the affair that unintentionally spoke of the plum of Xiao Xiao, easy don't think to have what conceal intentionally of necessity.Order to say:"This has what strange of, who want you tell my affair your elder sister.The ability that knows me, your elder sister certainly sought me to see, however we once associated as well a, twice just."
Along with easy oneself and Xiao Xiao plum association of has been spoken, beginning Xiao Xiao the Qiang still listen to facial expression not live variety, also not know is just thinking what.
Wait until easy to take the evidence of SM that the plum of Xiao Xiao get oneself threatens China interest agency, Xiao Xiao Qiang immediately the facial expression greatly change and say with angry look:"What, Lu Zhi strange that fatty pig unexpectedly dares to beat my elder sister's idea, they didn't want to live.I want him to die, I must his dead."
"!This matter you need not worried, your elder sister has been already solved by himself[herself], and has my threat to put over there, I don't believe them as well really dare be blind to leap to reach."
"You don't see the result of giving offense to the plum Xu as well, luckily this matter has already used another method solution, otherwise I affirm his end will more miserably."
On listenning to this words, Xiao Xiao facial expression of the Qiang also immediately alleviates,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, satisfied way in mouth:"Hum, also have so one thing!But I am also your woman, you say to also have enough advantage!"
"This will see how to calculate, according to the stone farmland spring Nai calculation, fond of each other with me of woman the good luck that can keep for three around months, then will resume usually.However, wait I to let the black wood Tong starts to establish for me private and small scaled religious, should can work out this problem.Otherwise we can also three month last time bed."Hold the Bu Xiao Qiang breast, easy says with smile.
"Hum, three month last time bed?You think beautifully, do I just don't am your sweetheart!However, small scaled religion's arriving is a good thing, do you do quickly, don't drag and pull to let public urgently."
"Your request is still true different, incredibly will remember this matter, can make today this to have an accident feeling, how do you mix at school."
Turned over to turn over cold stare, Xiao Xiao Qiang but one face not concerned way:"Who take care of a school how there, anyway I had no before too interested, hereafter also need not cared it.I am still clapping a drama now, so many beyond the power to care matters.Be not pulled by them today, again not brush-off, who wish to accompany those to be lewd of Japanese!"
The Japanese lusts for women, easy also knows, and this flower is also true to depend on and then can prove.However hear the business of clapping the drama, easy says with smile:"How, do you return to clap a drama with Lu ice together now?"
"Lu ice?You say that'together sky', early finish clapping not to know how long.I have already been clapping the third drama now, not tomorrow you to explore a class for me, I introduction the female star understanding to you."
"Ze Ze!You are still true rare, just and still is disputing your elder sister's business, how thought of again all of a sudden that the woman was to my introduction."
"Hum, words I have already put here and come not come up to you."
The Xiao Xiao Qiang has never spoken and takes the female of the drama with oneself and stars exactly is who, however looking at Xiao Xiao the appearance of one vice- mysterious Xi Xi of Qiang, easy feels some to be getting more curious.Oneself the Xiao Xiao Qiang and own relation a bit weird, not only 2 people from""beginning, in the center still clip a Xiao Xiao plum.
The another woman says this kind of words probably just for trying to please himself/herself, Xiao Xiao Qiang but absolutely impossible.[1253026, 《the back works properly 》 ]

Section 551 red household, direct(up)

The Xiao Xiao Qiang just occasionally seeks joys with easy, don't say that easy still has a work, the meaning that she all didn't stay overnight with easy by herself.Make a burst of after, still just dinner front the interest is blunt blunt rushed about, don't know as well at favour some what.
After the Xiao Xiao Qiang leaves, easy also returns to seek Zhang Shun.Arrive at Zhang Shun's room, easy sees Zhang Shun Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De and mountain pass bless the second class person is drinking tea chat, the slightest didn't negotiate of power.
A see easy come in, the piece fluently stares to say:"Easy kid sister, you die where go to, if you didn't come back again, we didn't intend to take care of you."
"The nothing important just ran into a friend, does the contract talk?"Know an agreeable temper, easy can't argues with her, either what, directly embraced a full face excitement to make a pounce upon his/her own plum Xu.Can see, the plum Xu is very happy, this is also a contract have already talked a good evidence.
Order, the plum Xu says:"Easy assistant, not only my generation the speech contract talk like, your contract also have already talked.Your reputation board director's contract signs according to the item ofS Xing company, my yearly generation speech expenses then USD 12,000,000, however is temporarily similar to your contract, the label is two years."
Annually USD 12,000,000?This has already comparable to the generation of some international well-known sport stars speech price.[1253026, 《the back works properly 》 ]
However, if plus two years limit, this arrives easy comprehension.The suggestion seen to S a bottom an electricity subsidiary also accept see wager first Wang Da Dun Sai a result, this to is a kind of rational choice.
Order, easy says:"This good, the mountain pass president feels appropriate and then goes."
"Adequacy!It is certainly appropriate."Simultaneously nod, the mountain pass blesses two but imitates a Buddha to slightly take to be afraid ground to hope to watch from a distance Zhang Shun.
Not know how Zhang Shun exactly blessed two negotiations with mountain pass, easy but also not a lot of ask what.Then under the Zhang Shun's proposal, several people take part in celebration dinner toward restaurant in the hotel together meeting.Certainly, this is just the celebration dinner meeting that negotiates be over, the contract of plum Xu signs but still needs to have one more formal celebration cocktail party.
Because there has been the bottom electricity subsidiary of S of the employee beat ex- stand, easy Liu Deng Ren also soon arrive at a hotel have good party hall.
However, after getting into party hall, easy is a bit shocked.Because he incredibly and again saw the classmates of the Qiang of Xiao Xiaos and once took the Japanese of chamber to oneself at the party hall, didn't know as well they why still at Related articles:

