
Beats by Dr Dre solo lganger attacks Su

Is the real heart some panic ,look at Sun Wukong the wonderful tree ,my heart was shocked .For that the wonderful tree Kong Yu had not seen ,but for the wonderful tree was able to brush off the clock ,such ability, heart also very shocked ,the thought of relying on the clock ,can remain invincible ,but now that is not so, or just have a powerful mana is the right path ,this made Kong Yu determined to work harder now, rely on magic is eventually fell under the .
relationresultIn fact,Kong Yu think this is wrong ,bell ,like ,this series of clock for congenital ,and saints are extremely important thing ,just because Kong Yu is now owned by the mana is than Sun Wukong is too much ,the bell in his hand ,not play should have the power .
And the wonderful tree as ,clock ,but Sun Wukong mana is higher than Kong Yu too much ,the wonderful tree is naturally suppress ,bell .relationresultIf Kong Yumana is like Sun Wukong ,so the wonderful tree can do ,bell .
Of course ,such result lets Kong Yu heart had increase their mana is the right path .It is a good thing ,province of Kong Yu too rely on magic ,this to Kong Yu the way in the future is also good .
relationresultWatching the opposite Sun Wukongand his evil doppelganger ,Kong Yu felt even more alert up ,know yourself a careless or doomed eternally .The broken sword and Jiuzilong ring is called out ,previously hit by injury in the blink of an eye is restored ,hole jade operation of yin and Yang Gong ,will right hand point light flowed energy refining into yin and Yang Qi ,make their own state reached the peak, a roar is towards Sun Wukong and his evil doppelganger rushed past .
relationresultKong Yuis not only the passive ,a war is to let Kong Yu know only in this life and death battle will meet adventure ,will break through somewhat ,so Kong Yu is afraid of such wars ,is against the war was expected ,this is a good opportunity to hone their .
relationresultThe headsuspension with ,clock ,exudes a SG Kong Yu will be covered, although it is not able to make Kong Yu fully remain invincible ,but also can let Kong Yushao be a little hurt ,broken sword and Black Day rally ,a road towards Sun Wukong and his evil doppelganger shoot .
relationresultSun Wukong and hisevil doppelganger didn think Kong Yu would move actively, but Sun Wukong held the wonderful tree away ,suddenly is that a sword brush off ,then the evil one is waving golden toward Kong Yuza ,Kong Yu stepping on the spiral nine shadow body, are constantly flicker ,avoid evil doppelganger attacks Sun Wukong .
relationresultAlthough manaas Sun Wukong, but Kong Yu also has some significant advantages ,not only is he has a variety of magical martial arts, also awakened eight ancestor witch magic, plus previously passed to Chi You tactics ,but also to give Kong Yu and Sun Wukong to a period of time, most began to defeat main Kong Yutai relied on ,bell ,think ,bell can provide him resistance all attacks ,but did not think it was to get hurt .
relationresultNowKong Yu himself plays a variety of martial arts and Sun Wukong evil doppelganger wars ,Beats by Dr Dre solo,sharpen their combat skills, at the same time, a variety of supernatural powers emerge in an endless stream toward Sun Wukong greets ,although is Sun Wukong Qibao wonderful tree brush off ,but also to Sun Wukong caused some trouble, so Sun Wukong can be together with you and his evil hole jade .
relationresultJust Sun Wukongis breakthrough to associate the holy realm ,mana than Kong Yu deep do not know how many times ,and Kong Yu even be fully prepared to but is also large ,golden immortal middle mana ,and Sun Wukong is really some too big for her skin .
Although because of Jiuzilong ring and right hand everfount providing energy ,mana is always maintained at the peak of the state ,but to the defeat of Sun Wukong evil counterpart is simply not possible .
relationresultThis makes Kong Yuheart gradually hurry up ,it is not absolutely approach ,although it can also hold for a while ,but a long time will certainly not as soon as possible ,must find a way to .
Think it over and over again but Kong Yu has no way to deal with the situation .relationresultSun Wukongalso seems to be somewhat impatient, he held the wonderful tree ,in vivo mana mad gushing ,a SG injection ,is towards Kong Yu over the past .
relationresult , relationresultThe 420th chapter and the root ( four) , relationresultWhile Kong Yu andSun Wukong as well as Sun Wukong evil doppelganger during the war ,the Xiangliu also and a few other monster holy war .
The Xiangliu no Lingbao and weapons, but bare-handed facing five demon saint ,and the five demon Saint especially to vigorously inside the mana is most abundant, but also only big Luo golden immortal middle state, followed by the Monkey King ,mana is great ,the early golden immortal ,and Peng devil ,Yu marmosets the king and the lion camel king is only the golden fairy realm .
relationresultTheXiangliu although is one of the five, but this time the big witch Xiangliu early is restored to the peak of the state ,and through this time of tribulation, the Xiangliu mana is a breakthrough ,it is equivalent to the law of golden immortal later stage ,although the book so or not and five demon saint ,but don phase Liu but has big Wu becoming .
relationresultThe Bull Demon King, monkey king they not demon division Kun Peng as the ancient big monster ,did not practice into big demon body proportions, the flesh is naturally as the Xiangliu strong ,and Liu was not only the extremely powerful ,but also allows the Xiangliu immortality, regardless of how a serious injury ,as long as there is a piece of flesh and blood ,so he is able to regenerate ,so the Xiangliu not afraid of other people .
relationresultTheXiangliu is Lucifer et al .Later ,there is no long-winded ,direct is revealed the real body, body count in nine ,Hill head roared toward the five demon Saint bite .
The big five holy and their changing out of their flesh ,and the Xiangliu wars up ,suddenly is evolved into the melee .relationresultTheXiangliu nine giant snakehead is like nine huge hammer general continued toward the five great demon Saint hit ,biting ,and Lucifer , king of their respective brandishing a weapon towards the Xiangliu attack ,although intense incomparable ,but who are not able to who ,in the a deadlock state .
relationresultAndon the other side ,Kong Yu and Sun Wukong battle between the is to the most intense state .Sun Wukong seems to not want to go on in vivo mana and Kong Yuwan ,Kuang Yong ,holding the wonderful tree brush out of the SG ,towards Kong Yu over the past, facing the Sun Wukong such an attack, Kong Yu was afraid to let down ,side to play a magic, while running mana rides ,bell at the same time ,and Sun Wukong evil doppelganger war with .
relationresultThe seriesis the wonderful tree out of the SG over to Kong Yu ,will Kong Yu play out a magical powers are brushed off ,then towards the hole jade overhead ,bell ,and again that the top of Kong Yu ,to brush off the clock ,while at the same time Sun Wu empty evil .
But also toward the Kong Yu rod .relationresultAt thisvery moment of crisis, Kong Yu once again want to use law of the time ,but Sun Wukong already prepared, in Kong Yu to play time laws, and several SG brush ,is a direct has covered Kong Yu ,making Kong Yu the only comprehend a little time law and not be able to display . Related articles:

