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Of behavior.However the bosom embraces r ò u billowing big man, the Yin extraordinary talent still has a little awkward of.
"The boon coughs, eight quit, it is very normal to is the ng mindset of x ì of teacher!You have to not have what viewpoint."The Yin extraordinary talent sees 100 joy m é ns absorb a gold thus sharp, the mood is naturally also greatly good, even open to have fun with this disciple that isn't very like:"How to don't seek your Ms. Gao and run this dry what come?"
Zhang Feng the slightest didn't feel embarrassed loose to open a pair of arms, the facial expression on the face was innocence very much:"Teacher, you don't know Tu son near nvs è of?"
This kind of thing, in fact still not want near must be good!"Yin extraordinary talent finger at little fatty forehead last 1:00:"At the right moment we are a few to drink well, give other a few boys also I call."
Guo Hao arranged a seat for Yin extraordinary talent, originally is stayed for a childe's elder brother, the position was also more strange.Be naturally rendering up Yin extraordinary talent now, so big 100 joy m é nses are broken through, become a huge space.The layout is like opera house in Sydney very much, the air still suspends a huge platform with the iron chain, should give musical performance something to use.
This seat in the corner's pouring is enough spacious, a turn of wide array sofa.Little fatty, Zhang Feng, and Yin extraordinary talent get to sit together, Wang Qiao then sits at in the center, and Du Luo of left hand side kept certain distance.
The waiter of 100 joy m é ns doesn't know from which pick come of, water of the crest works properly.The career general white shirt opened three Nius to button up, just can see an inside white s è faintly discernable, the short skirt descending black s è of body covers up just right, all of many people is simultaneously drink part everywhere
"Little fatty, why suddenly and am I so warm and affectionate?"The Yin extraordinary talent holds Zhang Feng after falling r ò u the billowing small face see an asking of mountain way.
Is pure feeling the team of young man 5 people in only Zhang Feng is to have scheming most , the Yin extraordinary talent is also not not far near to him, say not up dislike, also not is like too much.
Section 201 Wang Shi Jie throws a bosom to send to embrace
Zhang Feng also has never thought this God-man teacher so direct, always have never turned to come over from the brain of Xu tactful cleverness.,
"Don't think that I can not see clearly, you before but not too would liked to get in touch with with me."The Yin extraordinary talent intimacy hugs Zhang Feng's neck and say of words but let Zhang Feng Chu whole body sweat:"Although I am a person of good temperament, don't make me know what other viewpoints you have!You enough money, can't care me, either this relates to, you are different from Guo Hao Li's thunder, your ability orders another of, why want ascend I this ship?At the beginning say is that you mix with Guo Hao and more rather said to is Guo Hao to lead astray you and bring trouble you."
Zhang Feng's Lao Tze arranged quite good exit for him, this boy also really had some brain.Is basically not worthwhile to all day fool around, if say that the Yin extraordinary talent can give Guo Hao and Li Lei Yi a platform, that this piece Feng basically doesn't need platform.
The Yin extraordinary talent cans not compare with to stay overnight cloud now tiny so careful, but also careful many.At the beginning accept pure feeling the team of young man 5 people as Tu is insurance chess, now think of is like also Zhang Tian Wang to give a next set of.
This isn't the person who didn't weigh feelings handout spirit in the world, but just very few part.Zhang Feng obviously isn't in this row, from Guo Hao and Li Lei Zui in show unintentionally of intravenous drop, let the Yin extraordinary talent feel that this little fatty is that have no benefit not to rise an early lord.The matter is abnormal to necessarily have a demon at present, although is unlikely heart bosom evil plot, also really worth consider a deliberation under.
Lend multicolored rich in hues light in the bar, the Yin extraordinary talent can see a little fatty in the forehead already Qin sweat bead, the r ò u shouts of the hand also put narrow-mindedly on the knee.
"Do not mean to say and then don't say."The Yin extraordinary talent pressed down Zhang Feng's hand, the look in the eyes was warm afresh:"As long as you can promise to do what to everyone disadvantageous affair, you are my disciple, have the matter make a phone call to seek teacher, the teacher protects for you peaceful."
Still keep having some the at ease in Zhang Feng Xin, the change said by Yin extraordinary talent really has.Zhang Feng by chance knows in the father's, the God-man teacher after death still has a hand eye to all-powerfully and greatly take, and this just changed viewpoint.From small under the influence of scholar breeze rather heavy father smaller, Zhang Feng on the contrary with market nv strong person's mother pretty much resemble, the benefits of full brain calculates.Also only have in the Guo Hao Wu people's circlet son, just more a little bit more honest and kind.
If and others, that is that absolute take advantage of, but not edible Kui of.Once five as people are going to sky the human life and enjoying to push oil service together Zhang Feng just knew that all of other people were 20% discounts treatment.The face not red heart doesn't jump of return to a pack of inside, again since the childhood elder sister there took to return to 300 dollars, talk big of said is a brush-off consumption cheat.
Of so be willing to become intimate with Yin extraordinary talent, Zhang Feng is to meet a little small bother.The mother arranges he plates with gold in an electronics factory, although the age isn't old, Zhang Feng starts to handle an affair come also have no too great difficulty.Can a few old men of factory son board of directors but intentionally make difficulties for him, with oneself in hand of strength, Zhang Feng is still true the precept having no skill teach this a few old guys, naturally again thoughted of own cheap teacher.
Electronics factory also at south city, it is the sphere of influence of Phoenix meeting to belong to.The Yin extraordinary talent is a words, comparable to the ward chief jumps feet to scold along while over there, didn't°yet which factory the son dare not to sell the face of Phoenix meeting.
"Teacher, I meet to order small trouble."Zhang Feng has a little ashamed, do so really have a little snobbery.
Listen to Zhang Feng break to continuously and continuously finish speaking, the Yin extraordinary talent dismisses with a smile:"This small affair,www.beats4monster.co.uk, have what!Thus, I tomorrow make people beat hello like, how say that you are also my disciple, humiliating you is to don't do me the honor!"
"Many thanks to teacher."Zhang Feng is also surprisingly what the good thing can requite, the momentary affliction gets up.
Although is fussy about every detail, Zhang Feng doesn't like to owe the other people's human feelings.Compare the thing of material, human feelings this kind of thing prices up also more invaluable, worth money also worthless.
"Not be thinking, as long as your brothers 5 had ambition, which m é n can say to is my disciple, I am getting more happy."The Yin extraordinary talent lo this little fatty viewpoint within heart, comfort a way:"Did the person whom you just beat say something against me?In fact have no a necessity, have no a necessity performance in front of me, giving offense to the person be not not ability, this society isn't that you eat him, is that he eats you!But absolutely can not be the small matter of some doesn't matters."
Zhang Feng is more surprised, the then distance contains 56 meters.The words voice that Luo reaches isn't small, but field music in the son is very shocking, the Yin extraordinary talent listens to dint again very also positively out of hearing.
Know this little fatty sank into the turn of deliberation son again, Yin extraordinary talent also no longer continued to open to solve, can stay a little mysterious it could be piece good matter.
The field of 100 joy m é ns is some persons on the officialdoms in the sons, see the Du of tenaciously impartial Luo captain at, several individuals carried wine cup to walk to come over mutually and around.Du Luo is so long in the officialdom, these social partieses are still necessary of, the station started to chat with several individuals.
The Wang Qiao blunt Yin extraordinary talent made eye s è, see appearance is strain very much.
"How, Wang Shi Jie?"The Yin extraordinary talent quickly depended to come over and takesed on the Wang Qiao's forehead:"Is uncomfortable?It is no longer scalds."
From the pocket in take out an envelope that wrinkly Ba expects, up there is the trace that the quilt sweat soaks through, seeing appearance Wang Qiao already knead for a long time.The envelope Yin of this letter extraordinary talent understanding, is exactly Du Luo to at the beginning please his ji ā the o to Wang Qiao, was still of contrary opinion to arrive not to go at that time.
"This believed me to once see."Wang Qiao the voice is soft weak weak, like a small nv to living.
The Yin extraordinary talent cans not hear clearly and gather together ear some in the past.2 people's posture is a bit ambiguous, Du Luo didn't also express after seeing what dissatisfied, Zhang Feng then knows to mutually shut eyes to rock body along with music.
Wang Qiao's face is reder:"I agree!"
"You agree what?"At present it's Yin extraordinary talent's turn to could not touch brains.
On clapping thigh, the Yin extraordinary talent noodles exposes pleased s è.Probably figure out Du Luo this letter inside affirmation request to reply marriage, have never thought icy cold of Wang Shi Jie unexpectedly and so quick agree, just returned an appearance of personal enemy.
Substitute Du very much in the heart Luo is happy, however also having a little is very sour, the Yin extraordinary talent point nods:"I knew that agreeing is okay, I also feel good."
"Although you and red will, Helen, beautiful Nuo at a piece of, I can't have other viewpoints."Wang Qiao continues r ó the u wear envelope, eyes stare at a knee:"I know that I can not compare with them, I am a nv person who once gets married, also have no them so good-looking, the age margin is also old Related articles:

