
beats by dre solo nresultXiaoHan one

Bidding invitation open only to catch up with ,some are before you come .relationresultDeismis also sending a God all the waiters ,hooded ,no one knows her name, only know natural religion this mission but she follow sb.
.relationresultThe rest isno longer a repeat .relationresultIn order toshow the host to guest of respect, hotel front door shop out of a eighty-eight meters of the red carpet .relationresultTodaymost of the received invitations have more aristocratic identity ,therefore in such a situation ,in order to maintain the aristocratic demeanor ,there should be no people on such occasions to create what Yao moth .
relationresultSobasically do not have to worry about the safety of banquet ,and is responsible for the safe is Xiao Han wife died, he is now a senior Dajianshi ,away from the sword of only one step away .
relationresultBecausecome tonight is the mainland on top, everyone has a rank ,and the master is like the cloud ,if someone want to such feasts were ,it would definitely not good to eat fruit .
relationresultSo althoughthe association with warrior guild with windy city between contradictory ,but tonight they came ,with the exception of a few face with disdain look ,most of the face is smiling .
relationresultXiao Hanshenis the host ,it is natural to come greet guests ,of course, the general customers do not need him to greet ,but like Newcastle door Archbishop such ,natural need Xiao Han personally greeted the .
relationresultHoly Lord knight, congratulations ! Newcastle door Archbishop genial smile face .relationresultXiaoHan one, the thought that his was the canonization of light that labor Paladin ,busy laugh : bishop can come, Xiao Mouzhen is not very fond of oneself ! , relationresultWelcome, this is the time to make a little gift ! Newcastle door Archbishop ordered his attendants handed a beautifully packaged gift boxes .
relationresultThanks for the archbishop, please ! Xiao Han took the gift will he give the person behind said .relationresultPlease ! , relationresultThe nextdoor have guests come ,many people are the first to see Xiao Han ,Xiao Han was also the first to see them, so their time to greet it longer .
relationresultMagesguild Xinzhui and warrior guild Kauffman is almost back to Le Grand Large Hotel from the sky to earth .relationresultTwo peoplein front of the hotel had had an argument ,the gate of the hotel is very small ,but the two men behind him with a bunch of people ,have a retinue before and behind ,nature is conspicuous .
relationresultContradiction isnot, two people one after the other, just half a step ,but for who advanced a controversy .relationresultWarriorguild Kauffman slow step ,is the first step to advanced door ,then be magicians guild Xinzhui stopped in order of arrival ,was the only things sesame ,slightly to look past .
relationresultCanthe Sanhedrin is not ,when they first arrive ,turned backward ,especially the advanced or his old rival warrior guild ,so he got into an argument .relationresultIfboth sides of the princes also exercised restraint ,this might be from the sky to earth to fight in the hotel entrance .
relationresultAs the argumentbecame louder and louder ,two guild at the gate of this resistance ,the other guests were stopped ,the results are more and more people gathered at .relationresultWhatmatter .
Xiao Han listened to his report ,is annoyed ,today is his little princess take three good day, this two big guild people attempt to self trouble you? , relationresultTwo major guilds fight both with open and secret means it is not a secret ,the Duke ,you do not fit, or let me go .
Managed to the blue sky quietly gave Xiao Han a wink ,with at the hotel entrance to .relationresultHow to sayshe is also the home from the sky to earth hotel owner ,she personally than Xiao Han directly come much better, auspicious day ,not because of two big guild boring battle damage .
relationresultTwothe Sanhedrin was windy city public security department was closed ,this time if provoked by his words ,I two guilds will become a target for all ,so despite the bickering getting louder and louder ,two councils of the two old men are without a word .
relationresultThe 260th chapter :bid .relationresultThe blue skywith a sneer at .The two guild tonight at the banquet must be restless .But did not think of this two big guild was at the door they make up .
relationresultThesound is more and more big quarrel .Have effect to enter the hall to the guests .Remove some self identity outside people .Inside and outside, brought together hundreds of spectators .
A variety of arguments sound appears in succession .The vast majority of people hold see joke idea pointing .relationresultJustfight .Both sides also have no courage .relationresultThe doorhas been replaced by a maid .
Quarrel when they have been up to .But persuading no fruit .Two party people give each other .According to the principle of the Sanhedrin go in front .Should let them advanced .But the samurai Sanhedrin one-up already walked in the door .
Just be mages guild people on the bus stop .Both sides now each sticks to his argument .Thinking on the other side .On the other side of the front into the hall .relationresultIn order to prevent the occurrence ofgreater conflict .
Persuasion failed within a team ,to adjust .Rapid will be the two major guild people separated from .Do not let them have any physical contact .relationresultA purpledress blue sky Shi Shi suddenly appeared in the doorway .
Suddenly the quarrel spittle flying two party suddenly quiet .relationresultThe blue skyof the peerless elegance all of a sudden all the attention attracted .relationresultTonight was the Duke got big daughter .
Today, the guest is not of noble status .A celebrity .So hope you will be able to let the blue sky .OK. Blue sky open voice said .Tonight banquet .Can make hurtful things to bleed .
Or just unlucky .relationresultMrs. blue sky .We are not magicians guild know courtesy .It is a warrior guild that .We can this tone ,beats by dre solo! The association of a man shouting .relationresultIt is in order of arrival .
We magicians guild was in front of him , relationresultThe the Sanhedrin too overbearing , relationresultWho let your body too weak .Walk with girls like .Go slow also depends on us .Never heard the latecomers become the first.
The truth ! , relationresultMagicians guild a group of girls ... ... , relationresultCome on .Come on .Bite me .Ha-ha. , relationresultBrawn .No head hog beast ... ... , relationresultWhat.
Fuck .The guild curse .Play ... ... Originally the scene also control .Because of the blue sky a sentence .Immediately out of control .Police are the ratio of the number of either of them all .
Can the strength but not every one of them .But it is the people in the plate .The most remote attack .Magic damage than you big .The scene suddenly become a one-sided situation .If not ,are caught in the middle .
The guild wizards estimates had been Knights of the Sanhedrin beat down !relationresultBlue skygas face livid .Two great Sanhedrin too aggressive .It is not the intent of the demolition of her desk ?Dead men .
Two man quietly standing face to face .As the battle with their bussiness .relationresultThe twoconference will be deliberately pick things ?Blue sky mind can .They expect tonight will do so .
Can not think of two guild so regardless of status before the beginning of the banquet began to pick up .They really want to do? , relationresultBlue skywith Xiao han .Natural clear Xiao Han way .
Incidentally, this approach also affect her .Originally she intended to persuade .People even under ning .This is not what is not important .Now the two group alarm to strike violently . Related articles:

