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After the summit ,Dajianshi ,graduated from college ,and then joined the edge trimming the mercenary group .At the age of twenty-six ,breakthrough Dajianshi peak, becoming a primary juggernaut ,forty reached the juggernaut peak .
Twenty years ago a breakthrough, just cut small gods of goods ,you are not my opponent ,preferably not good on my hand ! , relationresultXiaoHan watched the fire gods that surprised face color ,strong smell of gunpowder ,finally smiled and said .
relationresultHow do you know so well ,is it right? .? By the fire slowly eliminated in the eyes of hostility ,but was still unusual .relationresultHow can he tell me, I just know he is your son ,the boy mouth is very strict, I like it very much .
Xiao Han a laugh track .relationresultSword fiveold head of a red ,some distress in low head .relationresultTrue siskin , relationresultSaid the little girl dance can cure disease .Fire door Cthulhu sub mountain to ask ,code is he can guess three points ,the five is in the side with the sword ,sword five into other people ,which the destiny ear to cicada .
relationresultIronically,the woman thought everything in their own hands ,did not think of is ,the grip of the pieces had been to control .relationresultXiaoHan smiled ,from the sword five and he knows the only sister of fire demons is a favorite to the pole, then said: the general difficult miscellaneous diseases ,it should be no problem .
, relationresultYou should learn from the mouth .My sister is doing, general difficult miscellaneous diseases also need to ask someone else ? Their very smart said fire .relationresultI have heard of your sister .
But there is a saying ,not from the medicine that can cure ,meaning that more capable doctor heal your own disease ,it is only relatively minor ,be nothing difficult ,serious illness can be difficult for the following .
Xiao Han smiled .relationresultYou said I don ,I just want to know how you can prove that you have the ability to heal my sister ? Asked the fire demons .relationresultGeneral fire with your sister around seeking .
Can someone tell your sister what is the problem ? Xiao Han smiled ,and asked .relationresultThis ,as if what is pulse ,barrier, the card . Their pause said fire .relationresultHey ,your sister is not what is the pulse of communication card ,but a very rare genetic disorders ,this disorder is an atavism .
Can only be women income ,the disease name three yin lock pulse ,under normal circumstances ,the life of less than twenty years of age ,symptoms ,and sickly .Chest tightness, wheezing, emotions are not excited ,excited easily fainting ,almost no heartbeat and breath .
But after a period of time will wake up ,with the growth of age ,fainting increases year by year ,time is longer, when more than a human could bear long time limit ,it is possible for a sleeping under the no longer wake up, man is dead ,I said to fire ,the army .
Xiao Han three yin lock veins symptoms explained to become leader of the martial arts road .relationresult,is it right? Your fire amazing turned round ,questioning gaze sword five .
relationresultFather ,I can not say . Sword five quickly excuse .relationresultGeneral fire ,sword five just described to me some onset time situation ,all the other did not say ,is I infer .
Xiao Han explained .relationresultIf Mr. know this disease ,that is it right? Can heal ? Fire did not fully believe that demons ,fire disease even deism elders have no way to heal ,these can help him only the precious elixir ,know what the disease is not difficult, can cure is not easy .
relationresultThe disease is congenital, general medicine treatment can delay the onset time ,can live for several days only, but can not cure, but also not to be able to marry marry, every day and tank company ,suffer unspeakably .
Xiao Han , General of fire ,which for decades had a sister very bitter ? , relationresultBy thetime silent ,is by default .relationresultMedicine decoction in treatment of slow ,medicine ,even if effective .
As the drug off ,disease also ,even the body also develop resistance ,next must increase the dose to achieve the same effect ,to the patient is also a great burden ,if I guess correctly, fire is what general sister and supplement the vitality of life treasure ,otherwise she would not live to the present .
Xiao Han continued .relationresultFirearresting color face looming .He gave the power to take a life dew thing didn ,only he and fire the people I know ,only a guess we know to fire take supplement vitality of life things ,maybe he really have method to cure the disease of fire ?relationresultAlthough I can to fire general sister eat is what make west ,but can support your sister for decades is definitely something unusual .
I am afraid of fire general trouble numerous efforts to get ? , relationresult,I did take a supplement to the vitality of life treasure ,I paid a huge price . By the time admitted .
relationresultXiaoHan nodded ,lasting effect to human body and everfount provides the vitality of life baby is not much, Xiao Han know only several only, nothing more than days wood Po ,or pills and the like, what it is, he also can ,only to see I know only after the fire .
relationresultI can only slow the progression of disease onset, and no cure, so to cure your sister great carbuncle .Only pills way, if the alchemy skill .The continent ,as the first pill family bell .
However ,treatment of three female lock pulse pills grade is high, there is no prescription pills .I don .But I know that today pills saga also no one has the ability ,I said to be on fire ,general? Xiao Han Kan Kan and said .
relationresultTheireyes over the fire ,thought ,you know ,come to ask me ?relationresultIn fact, nothing fails like success ,misfortune Fu reliance .As long as your sister disease does not heal properly, not only she can talk to other girls life ,married son ,there is an enormous benefits ,that will make your sister in the short family to become a great master ,even the future achievement will fire you more than general ! , relationresultI didn become a master .
I hope she can happy Kang Kang to marry a good home .Then a child, husband . Time said .relationresultHa ha ,general desire fire is good .Some people born extraordinary, such as general fire you ,who can know that year and raven would become today immortal gods ? Xiao Han a laugh track .
relationresultAlso did not say how to heal her ? Fire eyes flashed a proudly .But soon the convergence anymore, then be lonely bin man ,his mind that a trace of pride is not with time .
relationresultI will heal your sister ,only one pill .Is called Yijing marrow washing Tongmai dan , relationresultAnd so on ,said red name called? , relationresultThe book of changes to wash pulp Tongmai Dan ,is there a problem? Xiao Han Ya however way .
relationresultNo ,no problem ! Their eyes of fire was a thrill ,although he received the drugs name is not the same ,can have Tongmai wash pith these four words ,perhaps the same man pill ,just a different name .
relationresultIs it right,beats by dre pro? General fire survive this pill name ? Xiao Han running from fire ,Cthulhu has reached a conclusion ,he knew the pills .relationresultYes ,but I heard is not the name .
After a fire .Said , I heard that name is eight goods Tongmai wash pith dan . , relationresultEight goods Tongmai wash pith Dan ? Xiao Han smiled, may be a different name for the . Related articles:

