
beats by dre solo for a while then li

Chest ……
When the fetter disappears at database Luo the chest of the Luo I know that the pledge establishes, oneself has already saved the hole Lu tower clan is exterminated entire of destiny, even if the later database Luo Luo finds out reading the teacher didn't also use, besides which, because I in the beginning join the strength of checking the carat in own check and supervision fetter, believe didn't reading the teacher can remove to check carat, so this ability is to don't solve, besides which, database Luo Luo already can not at hurt small cool and his family.
Thought of this, I finally peep out the smiling face of loosenning the tone and stretch hand the database Luo Luo Lan go into in the bosom very sorry of say:"Execuse me, I should not so to yours, but-"
"Do not relate to, I wasn't sad at all, the in the mind on the contrary has already grown a happy felling, our hearts all put a sharping knife of homology now, feel to seem to have what could not see of the strength have already contacted we tightly and together, this kind of feels to like very much, hereafter don't use pledge ability to the other people not very good?"
The database Luo Luo nest takes a light pleasure to say in my bosom voice and lets me feels that he seemed to be really happy to order pledge with me, for his claim I am some hesitant, however end or daut him soft of the hair talk quietly:"I promise you, hereafter don't use a pledge fetter to the other people."
Hear my assurance, database Luo Luo lightly of break into laughter voice come, that is the pleased pure kid's sort Yue laughter, I think I's whole life all can not from the database Luo Luo here hear the laughter of such childishness, is a really good to listen pleasing laughter, however from his mouth in hear so kid Zhi's laughter always having already grown a very strange felling.
Time already very late, I look after database Luo Luo to lie down to say:"Again sleeping of the darling, wait until tomorrow get up to see my game."
See database Luo Luo lovely nod, I smile in his forehead lightly kiss for a while, then lightly of say to him:"Sleep, I at your nearby."
The database Luo Luo is made an effort to shake head then held tight my hand voice when I will soon release his hand a bit awkward and shy say:"Your embrace very soft, joss-stick joss-stick of, very warm, have already grown a comfortable felling, tonight ……can hug me to go to bed?Just tonight just!I hereafter can't make a so exorbitant request."
See database Luo there is some worried defense appearances in the Luo I lightly smile to nod and took off jacket to also lie on the bed, the small database Luo Luo lies at my nearby still had some nervous shape in the beginning, lead in a short while his very careful of close to I saw I don't respond this just hug my arm in the bosom, greatly had a that takes it as a couch pillow power.The so childish action lets peeping out of my lips Cape subconscious one silk smile, and database Luo the Luo originally draw tight of the body have been already relaxed as well after embracing my arm and soon breathe and then become even slowly extending far and see come is really asleep.
Lend moonlight to looking at a face the top return Wu from take one silk pure smiling face of small database Luo Luo, I also cannot help but wanting to smile, the so childish action is really different from him, however exactly still a kid, although is all shape of youth's mature and steady at ordinary times, in the mind's definitely also really hoping earnestly general kids will want desirable thing.
The moonlight is more and more hazy, I hug database Luo the Luo was asleep also deeply, seldom did a beautiful dream, the dream arrived oneself to return to to me like general wood leaf in the house, prospects think of so much, Gao Da Dun's fire shadow rock in my in front, also have at present one floating and familiar house and at top jump up to rush of ninja, suddenly have already grown the felling that wants to cry, go home, finally returned to a soul to lead long the place that the dream rounds.
I am appearing lost in thought of looking at the whole Zuos of in front to help, blare person's twos lovely of the kid have already laughed heartily to run toward me, two of him didn't°yet rush toward go into I of bosom, I already drop go into a familiarly embrace inside, that person at I of the ear lightly call "feeling", own nose immediately appears a very sour felling, I want to turn a head, I wake up at this time, what to come into view is a database Luo Luo misgiving of look in the eyes.
The warm sunlight has already projected light upon to go into this room and looking at database Luo Luo showing a smiling face of my habitual say:"Slept so kind last night?"
"I sleep very goodly, but just felt waked up in the face that has drop of water at me, then saw you be silently sheding tears, although was smiling but had the kind very sad felling, so called to come to you, whether have what dream?"
"H'm,beats by dre solo, dream hope already a long time, too happy, so cry out."
I wipe face huge past make to easily say that discovering that my own face is up indeed as expected some is wet, database Luo Luo very sorry of the pendency head say:"Bother you execuse me."
I lightly clap his shoulder to say:"It doesn't matter, should thank you to call to come to me, the person should face reality should not live in a dream, one day there will I will definitely return to!Like, don't say these, get up to have a meal, don't know that today's Lai bacterium did what delicious of breakfast?Expect very much."
BE saying the white Yan has already pushed door to come in, he two bowls of white gruels carrying in hand pass me and the database Luo Luo in front very the heat slice of say:"Finally waked up, two of you got up very late and came!Taste this, eat well very much."
How to say to wear a words?Have no matter dedicate affability, not- crafty namely thief.Although white Yan the public praise is good, there is no record of previous crime,he deeply wears some nervous facial expressions to let I for in the moment look common arrive the white rice gruel of extremity produce one silk worry in uncertainty, didn't immediately stretch hand to carry a bowl, and always entertained the database Luo Luo of special feelings to see my action to the food also similar don't stretch hand, just looking at I seem the decision that wants to see me.
The hesitation that sees me, the white Yan facial expression is tiny to redly say:"This is the morning the Lai bacterium teach me do of, mine □gruel, taste, should return on the whole can."
"Since still on the whole can you strain what?"
Face my question white the Yan finally shout of say:"Lai bacterium is the first taste, then cried for a long time, Yi road rice is the second, after finishing eating his facial expression ……H'm ……that in fine very strange, so want to see two of you's reaction, I feel still on the whole can."
Hear white Yan words I cannot help but a lookinging at of misgiving at present white gruel, can let the Lai bacterium cry out, small Yi face up change countenance of gruel exactly is what flavor?Basically I no longer entertain any hope to the flavor of this gruel, you could hope a four feets to once run about the tiger of ten next years to do what delicious of did the gruel come out?I have already in mind prayed his gruel to let me can not take part in a next game good.
The mood dying a martyr with the bravery righteously once carried an all pouring into of the gruel then a brain mouth, bowl immediately control don't live of drop on the ground to fall off into fragment, database Luo the Luo is a bit nervous of start to pull my hand, but I is can not believe of looking at white Yan, basically dare not believe own sense of taste.
"This is still what you said on the whole can of gruel?"
I point at his voice tremulous of say, white the Yan is also a bit panic absolute being strain of say:"Really can also should ast least have no poison, you how all so greatly respond, do I do very unpalatablely?"
"Is not very unpalatable, is too ……too delicious!How can there is the gruel of this kind of taste in the world, how did you do?"
I tightly grasp the hand of white Yan and say even the bodies all shiver unclearly, don't understand and look a so common white gruel how can someone and do so deliciously, particularly that a person is still a white Yan, more unimaginable, should can't take place mysterious affairs white Yan suddenly drive what kitchen absolute being the similar person attached a body?
"I don't know as well, is shining on a Lai bacterium to be at ordinary times of appearance oneself and then from make the decision a more adding of the piece some material-"
The white Yan is silly to silly looking at concussion matchless of I say very honestly, haven't waited to finish saying the Lai bacterium has already certainly used the vehemence that can not block to bump a door to come in, then she runs a while to white the Yan in front is made an effort to grasp his hand voice concussion's saying:"Genius!Absolutely be cuisine boundary once-in-a-lifetime genius, unexpectedly easy of do so delicious food, I take back your form of address of cuisine idiocy, you are absolutely born for the sake of cuisine but existence of, become my pupil, that will be your whole life most exactitude Related articles:

